ZUKUNFT IRULAR (Future for Irular Adivasi) together with its Partner Organisation is based on the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights from 10. of December 1948 and the announcements constructing on this Declaration. The Human Right are the sole and indispensable foundation of all activities of Zukunft Irular and its partner organisation. We together will fight for the subordination of all national and religious principles to the Human Rights. The following five fundamental principles should be taken as e concrete applications of the Human Rights.
Genuine HAPPINESS of our beloved children in our schools, homes and other educational institutions is our most important aim. We want to create a homely atmosphere, where whipping canes are out of place.
Devoted LOVE to the Ultimate Reality and to all human beings is in the centre of all our achievements. The divine light of love may overcome and abandon all barriers between religions, genders, societies, casts, social and ethnic groups and nations. There is nothing within this world of more value as a human being - that is every human being.
True INDEPENDENCE is the core of all educational efforts, as well in the economic field as in a mental and spiritual sense. Underprivileged people, especially women, poor and suppressed human beings and societies, destitute children are depending on others. They should become more independent by developing their skills, their talents, their mental and emotional capacity and their economic opportunities. We appreciate women societies struggling for more freedom and independence as the backbone of positive development of the whole human society.
Wholehearted APPRECIATION of the universal and all through and through radiating divine enlightenment within all religions is the base of our community. That excludes the dominance of one religion over others and demands the teaching of symbols, myths and values of all the important religions within the region. Faults of the human institutions of all religions, especially social defects may be subject to criticism.
Active PROMOTIONof knowledge, as well in the field of the different arts and of literature, as in the field off economy and of ecology is an educational aim of great importance.
These main principles of the NGO “ZUKUNFT IRULAR” (Future for Irular Adivasi) might guide us and hopefully lead us to everlasting harmony and increasing wisdom.